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07 3356 4777

Coaching Winners In Wellness

To maintain the Health and Safety of our patients and staff, if you are experiencing any COVID 19 symptoms, contact the clinic prior to your arrival.

Please note Doctor Golik is not accepting new patients.


Welcome to WIN Health Coach Clinics

Our Aim

To coach WINNERS IN WELLNESS through a process of thorough investigation and the best available fine-tuned individual therapies, diets, exercises and health advice.


Wellness Promotion

Wellness is not the absence of disease but a state of optimal health;
considering all genetic and environmental variables.

​This clinic endeavours to discover as many influences as possible that
impact the patients wellness. Where possible these influences are addressed.

Initiating vitality and anti-aging therapy.

The 21st century fatigue and lack of energy is endemic. Discovering underlying aetiology is important. Correcting these underlying causes is crucial for optimal health and vitality.

Maintaining health & wellbeing through the natural aging decline is our aim. Premature aging is often avoidable.

Neutralising toxins and pollutants where possible.

It is reality that we live in a heavily toxic world. Seeking remedies to reduce the toxic load, and impact on our health, is a goal of this clinic.


Valuable Resources